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Multi Language Pakistan keyboard

Important note: This is an obsolete version of this keyboard. Unless you have a good reason, click here to install the new version, called multi_pak_phonetic, instead.

Keyboard Details

This package includes a phonetic keyboard called Multi Pak Phonetic and the font Pak Nastaleeq designed for the following languages: Balochi, Kashmiri, Memoni, Panjabi, Pashto, Seraiki, Sindhi and Urdu

Keyboard ID multi pak
Supported Platforms WindowsmacOS
Author Zeeshan Hyder
License freeware
Documentation Help not available.
Source Source not available.
Keyboard Version 1.0
Last Updated 2023-08-11 07:17
Package Download multi pak.kmp
Monthly Downloads 0
Total Downloads 0
Encoding Unicode
Minimum Keyman Version 7.0
Related Keyboards multi_pak_phonetic (new version)
Supported Languages Central Pashto Eastern Balochi Kashmiri Expand 5 more >><< Collapse Memoni Saraiki Sindhi Urdu Western Panjabi

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